- Links are still the best way to rank a website Matt Cutts made it clear that the links that point to your website are important: "Links are still the best way that we've found to discover [how relevant or important somebody is], and maybe over time social or authorship or other types of markup will give us a lot more information about that."
- Link building is not bad As long as your website is link worthy, link building is fine:
- Don't use press releases for link building Most links from press releases do not count in Google's ranking algorithm. If an editor decides to publish an article on a newspaper site based on that press release, that link will count.
- Guest posts can be problematic According to Matt Cutts, Guest posts can be problematic:
- Content syndication should be planned You must make sure that your website is the original site if your content is syndicated to other sites. Publish the content before others and use the rel=canonical attribute.
"The philosophy that we've always had is if you make something that's compelling then it would be much easier to get people to write about it and to link to it. [...] Make a fantastic website that people love and tell their friends about and link to and want to experience. As a result, your website starts to become stronger and stronger in the rankings."
"If people just move away from doing article banks or article directories or article marketing to guest blogging and they don't raise their quality thresholds for the content, then that can cause problems."
Two things to take from Mr. Cutt's words. Google loves content! Fresh new quality interesting content that they can index, rank and drive vast amounts of traffic towards. And still the most important indicator of how Google ranks one website over another is backlinks.