Sunday, December 22, 2013

Google's URL/Content Removal Tool Now A Wizard

Google has updated their URL removal tool to make it easier and smarter to remove content specifically from third-party web sites.
Google told us at Search Engine Land specifically that the tool is smarter by analyzing the content of the URL you submitted and letting you know what options you have based on the details of the cache result, search results and the actual live page.
You can remove complete pages if the page is actually not live or blocked to spiders. You can remove content from a page if the content shows in the Google cache and is not live on the page.
Here are some screen shots:

Google's URL/Content Removal Tool Wizard
Google's URL/Content Removal Tool Wizard
Google's URL/Content Removal Tool Wizard
Google's URL/Content Removal Tool Wizard - click for full size
Now, it may even work on soft-404s, so be careful. As WebmasterWorld's moderator said:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Google’s Matt Cutts: Don’t Duplicate Your Meta Descriptions

Google’s Matt Cutts, the head of search spam, released a video today providing an SEO tip on meta descriptions. Matt said, do not have duplicate meta descriptions on your site.
Matt said it is better to have unique meta descriptions and even no meta descriptions at all, then to show duplicate meta descriptions across pages.
In fact, Matt said for his own blog, he doesn’t bother to make meta descriptions for his own site.
In short, it is better to let Google auto-create snippets for your pages versus having duplicate meta descriptions.