Thursday, April 3, 2014


Use these SEO techniques to gain more traffic to your web and blog.
1. Content is always very very much important. Providing users with fresh, unique contentthat is linkworthy is necessary to your long term success in the chasm of the search engine world.So be cautious about your contant.

2. Use relevant keywords. Targeting keywords that nobody searches is a dead-end road. Take your subject and think like a person who wants more information on the topic. What string of words would best clarify his need and be the easiest to type in?

3. Sitemap building is very essantial. A well organized sitemap gives the search engine spiders a way to speedily and more efficiently scan and index all of your content.

4. Build your brand. Aesthetics and typography are now a huge deal in the internet world. Create an identifiable logo and site layout that is memorable. If it looks pleasant to the eyes, it will be much more prone to gaining a quality backlink.

5. Build quality backlinks. Organic backlinks are tough to come by, but if you write good,unique content and promote it, you will profit those coveted links over time. Backlink building never stops. Always look for ways to profit a new, quality backlink.

6. Need your site crawled and indexed? Submit your site to Google, Yahoo! and Bing, AOL but be warned  this can take a long time. Your best bet at getting indexed quickly is getting a quality backlink from a trusted site.

7. Need your site crawled and indexed frequently? Write fresh content at least two times a week, and make certain that the content is unique in its nature.

8. Modify your permalink structure. Having id=?q133.12PP at the end of your URLs takes up critical SEO space. Modify your permalink structure so that you can make your links completely relevant to your content. View the link to this page in your search bar for an example.

9. Dont be frightened to link out to others. If you link out to others, others will be more apt to link back to you. Its a give and take relationship. Dont be a mooch.

10. SEO is an art form. There is no one perfect way to optimize your content, only guidelines. So dont slip for the advertisements that promise #1 rankings in Google. It never works perfectly.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Time To Get Creative With Your Link Removal Requests

One trend we've seen in the past year or so is that link builders are now extremely busy with link removals. Getting links to your web site has never been easy, it is a talent to get webmasters to read your link requests. But getting link removed is often harder.
Why is it harder? Well, asking for a link is a positive thing. People like positive things. You tell them they have a great site, you are wonderful, etc etc. But link removal requests are negative and people do not like negative things. You are asking a webmaster to remove a link you have to them because Google thinks it is low quality. How dare you tell a webmaster their site is low quality!
That being said, some webmasters and SEOs are getting creative with link removal requests.
As I covered at Search Engine Land, diamond shop Brilliance, did just that. They sent emails with a pirate theme and hoped the webmaster would take the bait. And some did. Here was the email they sent out:

click for full size
Shai Barel of Brilliance said it worked well and even shared three email responses from webmasters who complied with the link removal request. Some of those replies were fun as well:
Ahoy Ye Matey website removed.
I appreciate the way you approached bloggers about this so I will waive my typical fee and remove the link.
What a great removal request! Brightened up my day for sure...
Did you do something creative or fun for your link removal requests?
Forum discussion at Google+.