Saturday, March 1, 2014

Google's Matt Cutts: Content Clarity Over Technical Content

There is an excellent video from Google's Matt Cutts on the question Should I focus on clarity or jargon when writing content?
The short answer is focus on clarity over jargon.
Matt explains that in most cases, having content that most people understand is way more important that having all the scientific and technical jargon about the topic you are covering. If you can't explain the topic to a novice, then the reader likely won't be able to understand your content.
Best case, start off explaining it in simple terms and get more technical as you go. But if you had to pick, it seems Matt is saying content clarity is more important over detailed technical and scientific content, in most cases.
Here is the video:

Google's Matt Cutts Wants You To Send Him Examples Scraper Sites

Matt Cutts, Google's head spam guy, posted on Twitterthat he wants you to submit reports and examples of scraper sites or URLs that are outranking the original source.
He made a Google Doc form where you can submit the report over here. The form asks you the source URL, i.e. the original source of the content, the URL of the page stealing the content, the search results page where it is being outranked, and just an agree link.
You should keep in mind, in January 2011, Google came out with an algorithm specifically designed to prevent scrapers from ranking well, i.e. the scraper algorithm.
The best example thus far was posted by +JonDunn with a tip from Dan Barker:
google scraper example
Anyway, I assume this means Google is going to use this data to improve or create a new algorithm in the future.
Forum discussion at TwitterWebmasterWorld & Google+.